
Top Tips for Your Video Interview

Back in 2020, as the world moved into a period of lockdown, businesses utilised remote working processes to maintain a continuity and ensure it was business as usual. At the time, it was an extreme change in such a short period of time for everyone which felt different to the normal day to day, however it is clear remote processes has its clear advantages and has become engrained in business processes as we know them today.

Video interviews have become mainstream and is extremely likely during a job search that you will be required to do at least one interview via video. So, here are some helpful video tips to make sure you present yourself to the best of your ability and maximise your potential of making a positive impression.

1) Device preparation

This may seem obvious, but make sure your device is fully charged, the video link is working, you have stable internet connection, and you have accepted the invite. There is nothing worse than being ready for the call and the technology failing, causing unwanted stress and distractions. It is always advisable to use a desktop or laptop instead of a hand-held device.

2) Control your environment

Be aware that people will be able to see behind or around you on video. So, arrange a space that provides you with good lighting, in a quiet area where hopefully you will have no distractions. The last thing you want is children or dogs running round the room!

3) Dress appropriately

We all love to relax when we are at home, but do NOT take the less formal approach into your job interview attire. You need to treat a video interview with the same attitude and professionalism as you would a face-to-face interview and that includes how you present yourself.

4) Practice before the real thing

Accept the video link as soon as you have received it so it syncs into your calendar. Make sure the camera and microphone are working; you can test this in the setting field of Teams or Zoom. In essence, you can complete a practice run on your own prior to doing the video interview for real.

5) Pause before speaking

Often on video calls, there can be a lag and a slight delay, so it could be a good idea to just wait for a few seconds before responding. You do NOT want a situation where you accidently and rudely cut the interview mid-sentence.

6) Be Engaged

Video interviews can be very two dimensional and as such your personality can be lost during the process. It is important to be clear and confident when speaking to the interviewer, not talking too fast and speaking with a purpose.

7) Good eye contact

Don’t be distracted by external factors or with fiddling with any notes you prepared prior to the video call. Throughout the conversation, ensure you are showing expression and demonstrate positive body language, so it is clear for the interviewer to get to know you as a person.

8) Create prompts

During your interview preparation, create notes which could include questions, facts about the business or the job specification. It is a useful exercise to refer to these during the conversation to ensure you have covered off all areas and attained all the details you require.

9) Maintain good posture

As the video interview goes own, it can be easy to become a little more relaxed, try not to let this translate into slumping in your chair. Sitting up straight naturally gives off more energy and helps demonstrate your engagement in the conversation.

10) Wrapping up the conversation

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and thank the interviewer just as you would do in person. Once any questions have been cleared. Get an idea of the feedback process or potential next steps in the recruitment process.