
5 reasons to work with a Recruiter

Let’s just put this out there – looking for a new job is a full-time job. And your efforts might not give you the rewards that you deserve. Have you got time to send out application after application to firms that aren’t recruiting, resulting in little or no response, no invitations to interview? Banging your head against a brick wall.

The recruitment process is a more complex now than it ever has been, tools employed like applicant tracking systems, psychometric testing, presentations, case studies; then interviewing including competency based questioning. It’s a minefield, and if you’re not ready for it, a quite daunting task.

All of this can be alleviated by an experienced recruiter with a well established network, who can provide:

  1. Access to hidden opportunities: recruiters serve as conduits between employers and candidates, possessing insights into unadvertised job openings. With access to these concealed roles, you gain a competitive advantage in a less saturated applicant pool, with recruiters endorsing your suitability for the position. This advantage is especially pronounced in specialised positions such as public practice roles.

  2. Time efficiency: Job hunting while balancing current responsibilities can be daunting and time-consuming. Recruiters streamline this process by presenting tailored job opportunities aligned with your skill set and preferences. Our job is to provide you with a selection of the best opportunities available at any given time. Furthermore, we work with firms with their workforce planning so get foresight into upcoming vacancies.

  3. Application support: Leveraging our expertise, we can provide valuable guidance on crafting compelling CVs and optimising and advocating your candidacy. We will have nuanced understanding of employer preferences so we can match them to your own aspirations and expectations. Our interview preparation is best in class to ensure you have a better chance of success during the interview process.

  4. Local market insights: Regional nuances significantly influence job application dynamics. As a recruiter operating within the Midlands we understand the intricacies of the job market, offering strategic advice tailored to your search. Whether you're pursuing audit roles in Birmingham or tax positions in Leicester, our guidance ensures you navigate the application process effectively.

  5. Shared goal of success: As recruiters we have vested interest in your success. We want to get you the job that you really want. Our success is dependent on your success. As the go-between, we can help with negotiation, resignation, dealing with counter offers – all of the awkward stuff that you may find uncomfortable doing yourself. Our dedication to securing suitable placements underscores our commitment to your career advancement. By fostering a collaborative relationship, you enhance the likelihood of securing a fulfilling, long-term employment.

While collaboration with a recruiter does not guarantee immediate success, we can significantly improve your prospects of a career defining move. Building a rapport with your recruiter enhances your visibility and strengthens your chances of securing desirable opportunities.