Our Approach

Our approach is simple but effective and delivers results.

Firstly, we need to meet you.

Sounds obvious we know but it is a critical starting point that affects and adds to the remainder of the recruitment campaign. In order for us to represent and promote your business accurately and effectively to prospective candidates we need to understand your business, culture, environment and plans for the future. This is also critical to helping us match the right candidates for you.

Work with us.

We understand that recruitment is often an additional responsibility to your ‘day job’ and can also arise unexpectedly and not always at the best time. Recruitment is what we do every day so by working in partnership with us we can reduce the potential upheaval by managing the entire process. Once we have fully understood your requirements we will recommend and agree a recruitment strategy and process, including timescales, to deliver to you.

Dedicate the time.

We will work hard for you and dedicate whatever time is required for a successful outcome. All that we ask from you is that you also set aside or create the time needed to review CVs, provide feedback and arrange interviews. It is important to maintain the initial momentum of any recruitment campaign as applicants become excited at the prospect of working for you and the next chapter in their career.

Stay in touch.

Throughout the recruitment process full engagement and detailed feedback is critical. We need open communication from you not just at the critical stages (CV submission, interviews, offer stage and management) but also after the candidate has joined you and is settling in. We will keep you as updated as we are throughout so that together we can achieve the collective goal.

Call us first.

Working with us exclusively, even if only initially, is simply easier for you and provides the greatest chance of a successful outcome, first time around. However, we can work with you in a number of ways and will always recommend the most suitable dependent upon your timescales, the type and level of role and the work involved.

If you share our values you will enjoy working with us and we are confident in our abilities to help you and your business.

Please call us to discuss this offering in more detail on 01926 290290.